Individual and Family Therapy
Feeling and Healing offers mental health therapy for children, adolescents, adults and families. We serve a wide range of concerns including but not limited to trauma, anxiety, depression, adjustment, and family conflict. In-person and telehealth appointments are available.
Early Childhood Assessments and Therapy
Both providers are trained in completing DC0-5 assessments . Along with assessments, we offer specialized care for early childhood clients and their families. Child-Parent Psychotherapy is a research based trauma treatment that we offer for early childhood children and their families.
LPCC Supervision
Kayla is a Minnesota board approved supervisor for LPCC. Individual and group supervision options available. We will work together to create an individualized supervison plan that fits your needs.
We can help small or large groups incorporate a mental health scope into various settings. We can work together to create an individualized plan to match requested needs. Explore what next steps might look like for introducing into your agency by contacting us to discuss.